Saturday 8 August 2015

You have to do WHAT to get into a chatroom!?!?

So its been a while (again) that I've been on MSP and every once in a while I like to come online and see what has changed, and today... it was chatrooms! If you hadn't already seen there is a new chatroom (ooOOOOoooo) however in order to go into the chatroom you have to buy a piece of clothing from the shop that is of the theme of the week! I don't know whether it is just the current theme or its a permanent feature and personally I don't like it. Why? because its just another thing my account cant afford :( since I've not been on MSP much I haven't really done anything to get my number of starcoins up therefore leaving me with nothing xD yup, I'm a peasant xD *high-five to all the fellow peasants out there*
I don't even know how long this feature has been around for so I don't even know if its new... WELL ITS NEW TO ME xD

What's your opinion of this new feature?

~Star :) x