Friday, 20 December 2013

123 To Date...

OKAY so one thing I have been noticing in various chatrooms is people constantly saying "123 to date" or "123 for a gf(/bf)" or the extreme length of " I NEED A BOYFRIEND(/GIRLFRIEND)!!!"

... some of your are probably thinking what I am babbling on about, and some might understand...
The website this blog is dedicated to is called MovieStarPlanet, not FindABf/GfPlanet, there are so many things you do on MSP, and so many users are only interesting in having a virtual partner! MovieStarPlanet is about creativity and fame, so instead of attempting to find someone who will probably virtually break up with you because of one thing and another, look at the majority of what MSP has to offer!
Obviously having a bf/gf/general friends is a part of MSP, there is so much more!
I've had friends who have quit because they cant find a bf/gf which I generally find a bit pointless :P

ANYWAYS! onto a happy note, IT'S NEARLY CHRISTMAS!!!! WHO'S EXCITED?? BECAUSE I AM! (Hence the capital letters :D )

Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year my awesome viewers!

~Star xxx ♥

Thursday, 5 December 2013

New and Cheaper Stuff!

20 days till Christmas! Who's excited?! Anyway, haven't written a post in a while, so here we go!
At the moment, I am loving the Christmas clothing in the shops! Definitely in the Christmas spirit!
In other news, the Beauty Clinique facial parts have been reduced in price! However quite a few people are now complaining about them looking weird, and a waste of Starcoins... WOWZAS the makers and producers of MSP have done so much, and reduced the prices after ages of begging... and now they have done it, and users are complaining about something else! Why cant people just be grateful for what they have already provided you with!! Mods/makers are constantly working hard to make everyone happy, but surely instead of complaining, you make it work! One of the BIG factors of MSP is designing! Everyone has their own techniques of design and style, so adapt the new items into it! If your not keen on the news eyes, buy some stylish glasses! 
That's all for now

~ Star xx :)

Monday, 7 October 2013

Hackers... Yes... Again

So I'm still getting comments about people being hacked by [Insert hacker username here]. A lot of the time its by The Dolly. What I don't understand is how people know that for sure.

I mean, anyone can hack an account, all they need is the username and the password, The Dolly is just simply a person trying to scare people by saying they can hack peoples accounts.

One point is that people can just stick on their status "hacked by [hackers name]" and some people just assume that hackers exist.

Like I said at the beginning, I'm still getting comments of people saying they have been hacked by The Dolly or Anonymous etc etc, but if they have been hacked, it could have been anyone pretending to be a well known hacker... No one knows if it was the original person(s) who thought up the idea of making a "hacker" account and got into people accounts.

If your smart, you will KEEP YOUR PASSWORD SAFE!  To be honest, I have no sympathy for people who say "I got hacked by so and so" because it is YOUR responsibility to keep your password safe, and not to make it easy to guess.

To be honest I have no idea why I'm having to make another post about this hacker business because it's old news, I don't like repeating myself, and lots of people have already realised that the "hackers" on MSP are fake. Yet people still comment saying they have been hacked...

OK. Rant over :)

~Star x

Monday, 23 September 2013

Long Time No See

As quite a few of you know, I haven't been on much, and there haven't been any blog updates in a while, (I know some of you have constantly been asking for updates on stuff) that is because taking my break (I hate seeing it as "quitting") MSP, although I am not on MSP (other than once before writing this post and buying stuff) I am checking this blog for comments and views and stuff a lot of the time, as it means a lot to me :)
Comment on any of my posts if you have a suggestion of what I could write about, but make some sort of relation to MovieStarPlanet :)

Will talk again soon...maybe.


Sunday, 28 July 2013

Bad Language Won't Get You Anywhere

So! On one of my older posts I said about a user who wanted to get rid of boys from MSP. They commented hate which was... Pointless. Because guess what, I'm posting their horrible comment! (I have fuzzed out swear/rude words and have removed the comment from the post due to bad language.)
I'm pretty sure the person doesn't know what bullying means, because if they did they wouldn't be accusing me of bullying them.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Do Not trust bobm369
See conversation below x

Sorry if they are fuzzy!

Tuesday, 23 July 2013


So basically before my VIP runs out I'm still going to write about news on MSP,so no more awesome people until I come back :)

Ok so the newest update to MSP is Hashtags. Say something bad a aload of these ----> #################### pop up.    NOW. It wont let me write my own username, or the word Hashtag... it doesn't matter about the tags, it matter about the username, because now I cant have my blog name on my status for people to see :(

Anyways. Now what you can say is limited to the bare MINIMUM! So far there has been quite a few forums about the new scheme and how people hate it, this has been so quick, they have all popped up before the forum by the Mods about the hashtags has reached 1000 comments, which I think is a record! And all these forums about them are Negative!

So far I don't know anyone who likes the new hashtag scheme.

What's your opinion on the new safety thingy? Anyone can comment on my blog posts, it will just come up as "Anonymous" NOT THE HACKER! Just someone who doesn't have a blogger account etc.

I would love to hear your opinions!

Monday, 22 July 2013

SO... Im Still Here...

So, as I said a while ago, I said I would take a break from MSP, I haven't been on much, but then I thought "I cant let my VIP go to waste" so I have decided to take the break when it expires...

NOW there's a problem... Basically I bought 1 month VIP on the 1st June 2013. Then on the 20th of June I bought the pack again, to top up on diamonds and sc's  (lower price due to being VIP already)... NOW the 1st of July went by... STILL VIP. The 20th of July has gone... AND IM STILL VIP!!!! I haven't bought VIP since I topped up on stuff via the MovieStarPlanet App on the 20th of July. It was a one time payment. Yet I'm still VIP!
Many of you think it would be great to get extra days of VIP, but I find it a pain because I want to take a break, yet my VIP is still there. (I like making the most of stuff).

Has anyone got any experience with this?
I'm thinking of messaging MSP to say what's going on... but I don't know if I should enjoy this extra VIP or not? I think its unfair to have extra VIP when I haven't paid for it. So I'm confused.

I will make a blog post when the VIP expires (if it ever does) and then I will take a break.

-Starfirexxxx1                  ♥

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Taking A Break... AND A Final Awesome Person

Over the past couple of days I've been thinking, and I have made a decision to take a break from MovieStarPlanet. I am spending so much of my time on it, and this blog, so I think a break will be good for me.
This wont be permanent, and I may come on sometimes to check up on stuff. Over the next week or so I will be coming on less and less, to make my leaving gradual, but this will be the last blog post until I decide to come back.

I would like to thank EVERYONE who has viewed, helped and supported me in the making of this blog, as it is nearly reaching 2,000 views :D
There have been so many users who I feel have been such great friends over this social website, whether it was for a day, or for a long time
He are as many of them I can think of:

Dylan Westland 09
Abbi Johnson
Xx Nikita xX
Lulu Blue ily!

Im Sure there are MANY MANY more, but im pretty sure I got most of them :D  ALL of these People are AWESOME! I am will NEVER forget them ♥

Once Again THANK YOU , and this will be the last Blog post until I decide to come back ♥ 

Good Bye MovieStarPlaneters, and I will be back! ♥♥♥

- Starfirexxxx1

Thursday, 20 June 2013

This Is Serious... o.o

Heya people looking at this blog post, but my friend asked me something very serious and I don't know the answer, do you? I understand if you don't, because not many people do, but I know that at least one person here knows the answer, some people who read this are my friends, in real and on MSP, and if I don't get an answer, then that can decrease the trust I have in you guys. I'm getting my hopes up in thinking that this blog post will get me an answer... ok, here it is....

Do you know the Muffin Man? 0.0 (well.. do you?)


Tuesday, 18 June 2013

What's the same??

Ok so I am in a chatroom on the MSP app (I usually am on the app in the Morning) and I realise something with pretty much all the people in there... Other than they are all girls, what else have they got the same?? Comment and message me your answer :)

I'm the one with the turquoise hair :D

Sunday, 16 June 2013

What A Pathetic Argument -.-

So Im in a chatroom where I see 2 users with horrific spelling and terrible insults towards each other. So me being me, I try and break it up... It didn't really work and one of the users started insulting me, BUT it took her mind of insulting the other user, so they both left :) 

See pics below (sorry about fuzziness)

Friday, 14 June 2013

Don't say your 23 and expect people to believe you

Mechetti struck and I were in one of the vip chatrooms, she said "can I have a wishy, it's my birthday" I said that its one of the most things said to get people to give them wishies, she then said she's 23... My reaction "why are u on a kids website then" she then said she reported me for bullying... If she was 23, she would know what bullying is, and was I bullying her? Nope. I'm sure most 23 year olds have better things to do then ask for gifts on a website made for 8-15 year olds. So if you are going to lie about your age, make it so its believable. 

Thursday, 13 June 2013

A helping thingy

Fireblader wanted a pic of herself, so she could copy and paste it :) so here it is  

Lol... wait WOAH

Ok, so I am BORED so I decided to look up so called hackers, to say all the hackers on MSP CANT HACK UNLESS THEY HAVE YOU PASSWORD! Loads of people already know this, but I have seen many users still thinking Anonymous can hack, and that they are the same as Anonymous, the group who DO hack. Now they have made a Youtube video to say they wouldn't hack a kids website, and that the Anonymous on MSP isn't any part of their organisation!
So ANYWAY I typed into the search for friends bit *Anon* and looked through them, only to find A BOY mixed in the crowd :D I don't know why but it made me laugh like HELL! Anonymous on MSP are girl users and to find a boy one made me laugh, so I print screened the page into paint and circles it, to make it clear, something is wrong here.

I will now let you people get on with your lives now ;)

Tuesday, 11 June 2013


Savvieloulou asked me for a shout out so here it is,

She also asked to write about what I thought of her on MSP, to be perfectly honest she is one of the kindest people I have ever met, she gave me an auto AND wishy, without me even asking, she has a kind heart, and perfect to talk to! I don't know her in real which shows she is ridiculously kind to someone over a computer screen, so she deserves the extra help and for people to know how AMAZING SHE IS! 

Thank you Savvieloulou, people like you make moviestarplanet a better place x 

See pics below (taken from my normal and backup account)

Monday, 10 June 2013

My Close Friends (On MSP)

Firstly Thank you to savvieloulou for the idea of this post :D
SO she gave me the idea of writing about the BFF's on MSP, whether they are on my profile, or not, and write about their personalities and stuff :)
Firstly the people who are on my profile who are Sophie9152001 who is a stylish, non white chocolate fan, and funny level 12 user so far out of the users on my profile she has been there the longest ;) ♥
Then there is Pountthealarm33 who is (like Sophie) a stylish, funny Level 10 user, who is always there to help me, even when I don't ask for it ♥
Then there's Dylan Westland 09 who I have written about twice before, so you can check out the other posts about him :D ♥
AND NOW for the users who I consider my bff's even though they aren't on my profile, they are:
savvieloulou, who gives me LOADS of ideas for posts and she is a funny, and chatty level 6 user, she is always there to talk to ♥
Then we have Fireblader, the backup of a user I have also written about (Alishak Help Her Get To Level 23!) yes the awesome user with a long name :D Fireblader is a movie-making, fiery, chatty level 7 user, who also gives me MANY post ideas ♥
NOW I'm sure I will think of MANY other users who I consider BFF's on Moviestarplanet, and ALL the users above, I only know over the website, non of these users I know in real ♥

WOW many MANY words!
My ♥ to all of these users, and those who have helped me over the time I have been on MSP, and who support me through making this blog something special ♥♥♥♥♥

Star xx

Friday, 7 June 2013

Candired.... but different

Some people on MSP are saying that Candired gave her account away... Is this true?? And an update on Alishak, activity has been shown! she hasn't been locked out for a year, like some thought she was, unless she asked the Mods for it back... but GoldNKid has disappeared! apparently he locked himself out because he thought Alishak was also locked, sweet hu? But kinda stupid at the same time... He might never get his account back!

Imma still digging for info!
To Be Continued....

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Help This User! Please!

Yes it's FireBlader again! She asked for another shout out so... Here it is!

Please help FireBlader get to level 8! Anything will have an impact!

Thank you! 

Monday, 3 June 2013

The Real Me :O

Ok so, a couple of people have said "u should write bout ur real self" and stuff, but to be perfectly honest this blog is about MSP, and I (being me) am nothing to do with MSP :D that and I'm not the kind of person who likes everyone knowing me... Believe it or not, I'm a shy person! being shy and knowing that anyone can see me kinda freaks me out. So for now I wont be showing you guys the real me, who knows some 40 year old chubby, dodgy guy could see me! And I don't like that thought D:

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Alishak has been locked?!

Yup according to keely :) The level 25 user Alishak has been locked out for a year... A WHOLE YEAR! 

Read the forum pic below :O

Most people are talking about it :O
Some are saying she has an argument with Makeup Princess, and others are saying it was because Alishak was bullying and so she was locked out, but who knows? Only Alishak... and she's locked out.

I want to say "case continued" but im not in the police... ill just say To Be Continued...

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Awesome person! SO HELP THEM! Please!

Ok another awesome person is eeyore282 they have asked me for a shout out and I don't want to let her down! So PLEASE HELP HER LEVEL UP! And she is a pretty awesome person, so why not help? :D

See pic below (pic taken from my back up account)

And the answer to my previous question was 4! Slugs have 4 noses :P

I won't do questions for a bit, considering I have only got 2 answers to ALL the questions I have asked. But if you want them back then message me or comment! 

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Wasn't this casual and out of nowhere

Natsacha12345 made a hate forum about me... WOW I do t get it considering they:
1. Don't know me
2. I don't know them
3. Don't have a very good reason to hate me...

See the post below 

To be perfectly honest yes this forum has irritated me, but it hasn't hurt me, did I block and report? Yup. Am I exposing them on this blog? HELL YES.

Any haters who chose to hate on me or my friends, will be exposed.
Haters. You have been warned. 

I'm on Google Images!

Yes it's true! I typed my blog ( into google and found that on google images there are pics of me and stuff in my blog, then pics of other people blogs who have either mentioned me or I have commented on! They are:
I have viewed all these users blogs and they are all AMAZING! CHECK THEM OUT!

A Hacker Wannabe

The Purge is a new "hacker" who made a forum exposing their existence in MSP. I typed on their forum "lol" and the stuff I say to all fake hackers. Then one tried to add me (what a sad, sad person) thinking that if they added me, they could hack me. 
SO people of the world The Purge is a fake so don't be afraid ;) 

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Dylan Westland 09

So Dylan asked me to put up another post about him, so here it is.
Dylan is a funny, kind, stylish Level 10 user I have been friends with for quite a while, and have been BFFs for quite a while, he laughs at awkward silences and  has a 3 unicorn horn accessory, superior unicorn :D Anyone who is friends with this awesome guy is one lucky person :D
Help this awesome person level up and believe that there are awesome people on MSP, even if you don't know them yet ;)

Answer to previous post question will be mentioned in the next post.

THIS is the best thing I have ever been messaged

So my BFF Dylan Westland 09 invites me to my room (I know what you thinking..  He's just a friend) and he tells me how awesome I am for mentioning him on this very blog, he then sends me this amazing message. See below . How sweet it THAT?! Definitely the best thing I have ever been sent :D 

So Dylan Westland 09 is one AWESOME person! 

And the answer to the question on my previous post was:
New question: how many noses does a slug have?
Sorry if pics are fuzzy! 

Monday, 27 May 2013

Make your own account!!

Ok so I log on, and I've got about 5 gifts from a user, natsacha12345, I don't know the user, so I started talking to them,

See the conversation below :)

Anyway since the conversation I haven't heard from the user, or the proper owner of the user... Apparently there is a user sharing website bugmenot? Or something? Idk but it doesn't sound too good considering the hacker got the account from there...

ANYWAY! Don't give your pass out unless u want your account to get hacked!!!

sorry about the fuzziness of the pics!

and the answer to the question on the previous post is... earth! 

Next question:
Who is the 3rd user on the Highscores of all moviestars on MSP?

I had to know this information...

Ok so I log on, with 1 new message I click on it, and it's from a user called cuiteorwhat saying "hacked by anon ~noboys safe~" so firstly I don't know the user so it doesn't really bother me in any way. Secondly she said noboys safe... Not a proper word, so beware all the boys out there! Has anyone else received this message from a random user? I'm curious considering I have never seen the user in my life... They shouldn't have given their password out that's for sure :O

And the answer to my question is 950 miles on hair grown in a average lifetime!

Next question:
Which planet in our solar system isn't names after a God? (There is only 1) (not including moons)

Friday, 24 May 2013

Helping is NOT a chore :)

So to prove that helping others is not a chore, each week or 2 I am going to pic a random user, whether they are friends or not to help for the week, and the first user I will be helping is... FireBlader! Ok yes she's my new BFF, but I have decided to help her because she gave me the idea of this post :)

And the answer to the question in the previous post will be announced in the NEXT post, only because I made this post like 5 mins after I made the question :D

Awesome person!

Ok, so another awesome person is....

Alishak Help Her Get Level 23! Yes a very long name, now she is awesome because she clearly got her name because she wanted people to help Alishak (when she needed to get to level 23) how sweet it that?! So help her level up for being an awesome person!

And now also from her is she gave me an idea which can be at the end of ALL of my posts. A question! Ooooo. And then YOU have to try guess answer it! (Either by commenting or sending me a message)

So here is the question:
- how many miles of hair does the average human grow in a lifetime? 
(Try guess, but if u want u can look it up.) I will show the answer on the next post!

Thursday, 23 May 2013


Ok guys here's another awesome person....

JESSIE1355! Help her level up for being awesome!!!

Do you want me to post how awesome you are? Message me and your wish will come true!


I was SUPER hyper yesterday and whilst in a chatroom me and my bud superfamous123 and another of her friends (see below for pics) decided to lie on the ground and pretended to be human Mushrooms, well first we did random animations, then she "died" like a mushroom so we started worshiping the dead human mushroom :D I the had to go :( but I too some pics before :D


(What we were doing was not to offend anything religiously related, we were pretending!)