Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Seabee The Lock Ness Scammer

SO! I'm doing what I normally do on MSP, which isn't much, when a friends (Winx19) status pops up saying how she's been scammed by a user named Seabee, so I look her up to find there and many accounts of the name "SEABEE IS A SCAMMER" and I mean LOADS of accounts!!!

Now normally I would go "don't trust this user" bla bla bla, but this is HUGE! this user has clearly been scamming many many many users who have then made other accounts expressing their despise against her ways, which clearly she hasn't learnt from yet!

Now I would usually have pics on the conversation or what they have scammed, but this time its just going to be pics of all the pages of hate accounts which this user has been able to stir up.



So! As some of you know, The VIP skin is having some problems... I saw a forum saying how a Non VIP was able to buy VIP coloured skin, SO I tried it out!
Some of you may have seen my MovieStar has Lilac skin! Lilac VIP SKIN! Now this isn't a hack, its a glitch, theres a difference :D but I wanted to see if its true, so I tried it out and BOOM! I AM A PURPLE SMURF :P
I'm not sure now long this will be available for, as the MSP staff are probably aware of it.

That is all :D

~Starfirexxxx1 ♥


There have been quite a few forums talking about how boys use girls -to get a girlfriend, and then dumping them for no reason- however although I agree with this partially, some people don't seem to see how girls can use guys just as much, or even more.

Let me explain:
A while back I made a post on people saying in various chat rooms "I NEED A GF/BF" "SAY 123 FOR A GF/BF" etc etc etc...
Basically what I have noticed that girls say this a lot more than guys! As I have said before, having a bf/gf on MoveStarPlanet is one factor of the game, but there is so much more than that! I've seen people quit because they haven't found a partner (no jk) and it irritates me that some few people think that there's nothing else on MSP that can entertain them!

ANYWAY! back to the point, by using this way of getting a virtual partner can be seen as using them, girls are just as bad at asking others out and then dumping them for no reason
So Don't Take It Out On The Guys!

Sorry if this sounds harsh, if this works for you in finding a bf/gf then I have nothing against you, this is just my opinion, and I would love to hear yours too! So please comment or send me a message :)

~Starfirexxxx1 ♥

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Changed.. Sort of.

This is only going to be quick!
As some of you know my (and others) usernames comes up waffled if we try to type them on MSP, eg:

What I type:

What it comes up in on a message/ status/ in a chatroom:
SO! that makes it hard to get the word of my blog around, as I cant type on my status it just waffles

SO! I have changed it to so I can type it on my status and I can still get the word out!

Not quite sure how long it will take for google to update this, if it doesn't work, just stick Starfirexxxx1 into google and it will pop up :D

Thank you!
~Starfirexxxx1 (also known as #############)

Monday, 5 May 2014

The Pinkness Strikes Again!

SO! back into the mall chat room today, this time to find the Celebrity Mall has been invaded by the SAME pinkness as the day before! BY THE SAME USER TOO!


Bring Back Rares!

There have been quite a few forums on MovieStarPlanet asking for "Rares" to be brought back.
If your not quite sure on what a rare is, I will explain... Basically they are items or accessories which were once sold in the shop, and then have been taken off by the makers of MSP, so there is a limited amount, therefore the word "rare" came about. These items include some tattoos, shoes, skirts, tops, hair, dresses etc.

Anyways, some people want them re-introduced to the shop so everyone can buy them again, but there are different opinions on it, some of these are;

It would be good because...

  • People don't have any
  • A lot of older users have them, and so new users who join don't have a chance in getting them
  • Why can't they come back for a day? It can give some a chance to get some 
It wouldn't be good because...

  • They are Rares for a reason
  • If they were brought back they wouldn't be Rares anymore
  • It takes away the items speciality
If you have any opinion if you think they should come back please leave comment or message me! :D

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Invasion Of Pinkness o.o

So! I entered the Bollywood mall to find the chat room was completely covered by something pink! I was confused by this, so I asked people in the chat room whether it was just my computer, it wasn't! Wherever I clicked it would pop up with the user emma556575 so I guess they were the one pinkifying the chat room... after a couple of minutes of confusion and weirdness, the chat room went back to normal... until I realised there were so many users in the chat room! OVER 20! which generally meant extreme lag for everyone, then someone decided to do the diamond ride.. which was like lag from hell :P

Happy chatrooming!

~Star x