Wednesday 29 January 2014

NEW Levels!

So! As I said in my previous post, levels have been updated! I went from a level 9 to a level 14, which is awesome! Also it is meant to be easier to get fame now so I'm sure everyone will be levelling up a lot more often :D I'm not sure what sorts of things you have to do in order to get extra fame, but I will start digging :) If you know any new ways of getting fame, please do comment below :D

In other news, the Shop has introduced some Nerd Glasses which are 1,000sc! Expensiiiiiiive!

NOW! The next post I write will be my 100th post! YAY! And so I need ideas on what I can write, as I'm coming onto MSP more often now, I am also re starting kinds of posts with users who need help levelling up, awesome users, and ideas for blog posts! So if you are interested in being mentioned in one of my blog posts then either comment on this blog post, or send me a message on MSP :)

~Star :)

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