Saturday 18 June 2016

Goodbye My Lovelies ❤️💛✨

HELLOOOO to anyone who reads this blog! After almost a year of no posting, I'm here to break the silence to tell you I won't be continuing with this blog- mainly because I no longer go on MovieStarPlanet. As you've probably seen I haven't been fully committed to this blog although I've had such a fun time making it AND ITS REACHED OVER 11,000 VIEWS--WHAT?!?! THATS CRAZY!!!! I hope the posts I have written are of some help, especially ones about "hackers" and scammers n stuff :) 

For my last pieces of advice before I go please remember:

  • Hackers are not real on MovieStarPlanet unless you give someone the necessary information to get onto your account (your password). If you haven't given it to anyone but your account has fallen into the wrong hands, it means it was too easy to guess. So change it and make sure your account is backed up with an email so "hackers" can't gain full control over your account (unless you give them your email and password at which point you're very stupid).
  • Scams happen- yup scammers exist. It's very unfortunate that some peoples selfishness get the better of them but one way you can stop this from happening may be a little obvious... TRADE!! Y'know there's that option next to giving gift option? If you and another user are hoping to give each other an outfit or something, and they say "you first", send one of the pieces being given to them via the Trading option. You do not lose this object if they don't accept it. If they no longer want to trade with you, you can cancel the trade and you get your stuff back! It's a lot safer and reduces the amount of scams you become a victim to! Your stuff only goes to them if they give something back, and if what they give is not what you agreed on, you can decline and get your stuff back! 
  • Rares are rares- there are no cheats to get them unless it's rares week (a week in the year where a selection of rares are in the shop for that weeks theme). So if someone says they'll tell you a trick to get them if you give them something first- ITS A SCAM!
  • Please be nice to people! In the end you're all humans and you all have feelings. If someone is going out of their way to be mean, IGNORE THEM. Confrontation is what they want and if you give them the attention they want, you're only letting them win.
  • Remember MSP is only a game and you can close it and turn it off whenever you want to. 
  • THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FREE MEMBERSHIP!!!! If you want membership, you gotta buy it. Simple. 

And finally please be happy! Don't let people get you down, and sometimes it's the little things that make others smile :)

Thank you for reading, I never would have thought this blog would get over 100 views, let alone over 10,000!! I hope you guys have great lives in and outside of MovieStarPlanet and y'never know I might come back one day to see how things are going :D 

All good things must come to an end and today is the end for this blog. This blog has actually inspired me to start a new blog- not MSP related and its more personal but if I ever become famous I'll tell you about it ;) but for now this is it from me.

Goodbye guyys,

~Starfirexxxx1 💓
[mic drop]

Saturday 8 August 2015

You have to do WHAT to get into a chatroom!?!?

So its been a while (again) that I've been on MSP and every once in a while I like to come online and see what has changed, and today... it was chatrooms! If you hadn't already seen there is a new chatroom (ooOOOOoooo) however in order to go into the chatroom you have to buy a piece of clothing from the shop that is of the theme of the week! I don't know whether it is just the current theme or its a permanent feature and personally I don't like it. Why? because its just another thing my account cant afford :( since I've not been on MSP much I haven't really done anything to get my number of starcoins up therefore leaving me with nothing xD yup, I'm a peasant xD *high-five to all the fellow peasants out there*
I don't even know how long this feature has been around for so I don't even know if its new... WELL ITS NEW TO ME xD

What's your opinion of this new feature?

~Star :) x

Sunday 9 November 2014


Honestly I don't know what happened, I just haven't been on MSP or this blog much as all since the summer, its probably due to starting school again xD

Anyway I have a lot to catch up on!

One of the biggest highlights so far has been Rares Week! I can't remember the exact date it happened on but it wasn't that long after school started again, there were MANY MANY rares, some of which have been seen as ultra ULTRA rares such as the nose ring and Yin Yang tattoo and everyonnneee was buying them! Including me xD

I think the only rare that wasn't included and people really wanted was the all time loved princess toes, but there was the other kind of shoes that everyone loves so it wasn't too bad :D

Another big update MSP has been introduced to is PHOTOS. o.O
Yes, users are now allowed to share photo's to their MSP friends via the MSP app. Yes I have too so you can see my sassy face xD Yes there are rules, and each pic is moderated before being posted for friends to see. One thing I love doing if finding a pic that has clearly been taken off the internet and used as a selfie or a pic of a friend/family member. The way I find if a pic is all over the internet is by taking a screen shot, and going on the website TinEye. Here you can upload a photo, and the website will tell you were else you can find it! Fun times!

The last bit of news includes another rare, the Boo t-shirt that made an appearance in the clothes store over Halloween! More rares YAYYY! :D

Anyway! they are the main updates (I think) for now, if I think of any others I'll add more posts n stuff, but until then byeeeee!

I hope you all are enjoying the new school year and enjoyed Halloween! I'm very much looking forwards Christmas now that its November :D ONE MONTH TO GOOOO!

~Starfire xxxx1

Tuesday 19 August 2014


My VIP has expired and less than 12 hours after it expires I have the first user asking me if I want VIP... I DONT WANT YOUR VIP!!!! If I really wanted to be VIP I would buy it myself as I'm not letting a total stranger and possible hacker onto my account o.O which is more than can be said to every single user who has asked me if they could get me VIP, 99.9% of the time people have just wanted to hack my account and I've just had enough of it!

This is an on going problem with MSP as people believe they are getting VIP when all they are given is an empty account, or worse, not even getting their account back.

I don't want your VIP! End of story!

The user to ask me if I wanted VIP blocked me after I said I wasn't giving my password to them... See the conversation below :)

Even Fame Has A Crazy Side :D

After being a VIP and a celeb, my fame bar has gone to wild side :D check the pic below :P

Extreme fame counting! :D

Saturday 16 August 2014

Swearing Necklace and Animation o.O

PFFFTTTTT SO the makers of MSP waffle out my username but made a swearing, middle finger animation, and a middle finger necklace!! WHAT!?!?

I've heard that the appearing rude animations and accessories were made when MSP first began, but got rid of them as the rules of safe chatting came around, but somehow they have appeared back! The animation can no longer be bought in the ani's store but I think the necklace is still in the shop, and it is available to but off peoples looks.

People have mixed feelings about this:

Some think its funny, and just laugh about it, in the end its something surprising and
gives a different view of the game.
Others think it isn't funny and MSP should be better at what they create for kids as young as 8 to buy, and they shouldn't be around.

What do you think? Please do comment or message me your opinions! :D


Wednesday 6 August 2014


I have recently discovered that the user I talk about in the following post is not the real owner of the account, but someone who has got into the account and is posing as the user, of which he/she isn't doing a very good job as they are using the account to hack into others... DO NOT TRUST WHATEVER THIS ACCOUNT HAS TO SAY BECAUSE IT ISNT THE REAL OWNER OF THE ACCOUNT.
Ok you can carry on reading my post :D
I have had ENOUGH of users asking me if I want VIP and then trying to Hack my account. IVE HAD ENOUGH. The next lying, good-for-nothing, so-called-friend has been "friends" with me for a long time, a bit like the last person to try and hack my account, but I really don't care if they were my friend, I'm exposing them anyway. This time it was a user called Alex147123 a level 14 user who before becoming a lying flea had been a good friend and helped me when I was on double fame (which is more than most my friends did) 

Due to the convo below he has now blocked me and so I can only see the convo on the app, which doesn't go far back on messages so the bits before the pics basically went like: he asked if I wanted VIP, and if I added the user American girl doll lool the. She could get me VIP from a glitch, that would take a week to come into use, and how it worked with him (yet hes non VIP) he also said how another user her had called Prince811 and how it worked with that account too, but the year VIP that he had got had ran out however the account is not a jury or a judge so this was a LIE. I say how glitches don't work and if they did MSP would have fixed it with a the updates going round, and how he shouldn't expect anything from her... This is the rest of the convo before we block each other. 

And the previous "friend" to hack me is called Wizzie Star x
I really am giving up on MSP, why can't people just get a grip and stop trying to hack others for a few start coins and clothing???? So yes, because of Alex I have considered quitting MSP once and for all >:(

Sunday 20 July 2014


For the past couple days, many people have been going on about a glitch to get Rares.
A Rare on MSP is just an item that can no longer be bought in the Shop, so your only way to obtain them is to get them from other users.
However some users have been going on about a glitch they can do to get these rares... Not the obvious ones like P-toes or the multiple rare tattoo's, ones like the pics below. These may have been rares and come back or they may have never been rares, but these items some people are calling rares are just hidden very far back in the shop.
I found this out by going back to the very last theme, and working my way back to 400 and something pages of clothes and accessories and on the way finding all these "Rares" along the way... Not so Rare after all. Yes they are nice items but unfortunately they aren't rares.
So, there you go. No Rares glitch.

Not Rares |

Thursday 3 July 2014

FREE VIP! again...

Yes, Someone else has tried to offer me "free VIP" by buying it for me... Now this person has been my friend on MSP for quite a while and to be honest I think I have been a good friend to them... so I didn't think they would try and do something like this, but because they have been a good friend for a while, I wont be exposing their name, just our conversation... and what their user looks like, by doing this I hope they read this and see what they have tried to pull and don't try it again with anyone else.

They asked me if they could buy me VIP, this meant going into my account which I am never happy with even if they are my friend, I offered if they could put it on a spare account called Fractured (friends with Yme1's backup) this account is quite a low level, and not very useful to anyone who wants to get starcoins out of it or anything, consider this my bait. At this point the user said that she could no longer afford the VIP (ironic I know) so at this point I knew it was an attempted hack.

I don't know what I have don't to this user in order for them to want to steal my account, I feel betrayed and crushed inside to think that someone I thought was a friend turned out to be just like the other attempted hackers I have come across in my time. I hope they learn from this as a warning for if they do anything like this again, it will be their username I will expose too.

The point of this post is to tell you people, don't give your password out to ANYONE even if they are your friend... you never know who they really are and what they are really planning to do with your account.

You can read our final conversation below :)

~Star ♥

Wednesday 2 July 2014

I Have Lost Faith In Humanity...

I have honestly lost faith in humanity... What happened yesterday (1st July) has blown any sort of normality on MSP into pieces of MUSH! There were so many rumors my brain is about to explode!!! Here are the rumors...

  • At 9:00 whoever logs on is going to get hacked.
  • Anonymous is back on MSP.
  • If 1901 comes up on your profile as the year you started, you are being hacked.

WHAT IS ALL THIS!?!?!? The amount of forums which were made on this matter are uncountable, there were so many (yes I made one too trying to put peoples mind to rest) I have tried explaining to people but they some still haven't got it stuffed in their brains enough :D

  • My friend Lovie637 and I were online from 9:00 to 10:00... nothing happened IT WAS JUST A RUMOR!! Someone did ask me if they could get me VIP, but I don't count that as a hack :D
  • Anonymous IS. NOT. BACK. And to be honest "Anonymous" was NEVER HERE. It is just a kids trying to scare others by POSING as a hacking extreme group thingy (I'm not 100% sure on what they do but I know for sure they DONT HACK KIDS GAMES)
  • 1901 was just a glitch that has been made by the updating MSP staff, it too came up on my profile... still haven't been hacked.
Also I was messaged by a user called 9 is the time so you can also see our conversation too :)

Down below are some pictures you can read about everything that happened yesterday :)

~Star ♥