Sunday, 9 November 2014


Honestly I don't know what happened, I just haven't been on MSP or this blog much as all since the summer, its probably due to starting school again xD

Anyway I have a lot to catch up on!

One of the biggest highlights so far has been Rares Week! I can't remember the exact date it happened on but it wasn't that long after school started again, there were MANY MANY rares, some of which have been seen as ultra ULTRA rares such as the nose ring and Yin Yang tattoo and everyonnneee was buying them! Including me xD

I think the only rare that wasn't included and people really wanted was the all time loved princess toes, but there was the other kind of shoes that everyone loves so it wasn't too bad :D

Another big update MSP has been introduced to is PHOTOS. o.O
Yes, users are now allowed to share photo's to their MSP friends via the MSP app. Yes I have too so you can see my sassy face xD Yes there are rules, and each pic is moderated before being posted for friends to see. One thing I love doing if finding a pic that has clearly been taken off the internet and used as a selfie or a pic of a friend/family member. The way I find if a pic is all over the internet is by taking a screen shot, and going on the website TinEye. Here you can upload a photo, and the website will tell you were else you can find it! Fun times!

The last bit of news includes another rare, the Boo t-shirt that made an appearance in the clothes store over Halloween! More rares YAYYY! :D

Anyway! they are the main updates (I think) for now, if I think of any others I'll add more posts n stuff, but until then byeeeee!

I hope you all are enjoying the new school year and enjoyed Halloween! I'm very much looking forwards Christmas now that its November :D ONE MONTH TO GOOOO!

~Starfire xxxx1


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I haven't been on MSP for months- no friend requests, or messages, so I don't know what YOUR problem is but I don't treat people unfairly or swear so I think you need to learn to resect other people or you won't get any in return :)
      Thanks for your comment but if all you wanna do is be cruel then please take your foul language some place else okay? x
