Sunday, 9 November 2014


Honestly I don't know what happened, I just haven't been on MSP or this blog much as all since the summer, its probably due to starting school again xD

Anyway I have a lot to catch up on!

One of the biggest highlights so far has been Rares Week! I can't remember the exact date it happened on but it wasn't that long after school started again, there were MANY MANY rares, some of which have been seen as ultra ULTRA rares such as the nose ring and Yin Yang tattoo and everyonnneee was buying them! Including me xD

I think the only rare that wasn't included and people really wanted was the all time loved princess toes, but there was the other kind of shoes that everyone loves so it wasn't too bad :D

Another big update MSP has been introduced to is PHOTOS. o.O
Yes, users are now allowed to share photo's to their MSP friends via the MSP app. Yes I have too so you can see my sassy face xD Yes there are rules, and each pic is moderated before being posted for friends to see. One thing I love doing if finding a pic that has clearly been taken off the internet and used as a selfie or a pic of a friend/family member. The way I find if a pic is all over the internet is by taking a screen shot, and going on the website TinEye. Here you can upload a photo, and the website will tell you were else you can find it! Fun times!

The last bit of news includes another rare, the Boo t-shirt that made an appearance in the clothes store over Halloween! More rares YAYYY! :D

Anyway! they are the main updates (I think) for now, if I think of any others I'll add more posts n stuff, but until then byeeeee!

I hope you all are enjoying the new school year and enjoyed Halloween! I'm very much looking forwards Christmas now that its November :D ONE MONTH TO GOOOO!

~Starfire xxxx1

Tuesday, 19 August 2014


My VIP has expired and less than 12 hours after it expires I have the first user asking me if I want VIP... I DONT WANT YOUR VIP!!!! If I really wanted to be VIP I would buy it myself as I'm not letting a total stranger and possible hacker onto my account o.O which is more than can be said to every single user who has asked me if they could get me VIP, 99.9% of the time people have just wanted to hack my account and I've just had enough of it!

This is an on going problem with MSP as people believe they are getting VIP when all they are given is an empty account, or worse, not even getting their account back.

I don't want your VIP! End of story!

The user to ask me if I wanted VIP blocked me after I said I wasn't giving my password to them... See the conversation below :)

Even Fame Has A Crazy Side :D

After being a VIP and a celeb, my fame bar has gone to wild side :D check the pic below :P

Extreme fame counting! :D

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Swearing Necklace and Animation o.O

PFFFTTTTT SO the makers of MSP waffle out my username but made a swearing, middle finger animation, and a middle finger necklace!! WHAT!?!?

I've heard that the appearing rude animations and accessories were made when MSP first began, but got rid of them as the rules of safe chatting came around, but somehow they have appeared back! The animation can no longer be bought in the ani's store but I think the necklace is still in the shop, and it is available to but off peoples looks.

People have mixed feelings about this:

Some think its funny, and just laugh about it, in the end its something surprising and
gives a different view of the game.
Others think it isn't funny and MSP should be better at what they create for kids as young as 8 to buy, and they shouldn't be around.

What do you think? Please do comment or message me your opinions! :D


Wednesday, 6 August 2014


I have recently discovered that the user I talk about in the following post is not the real owner of the account, but someone who has got into the account and is posing as the user, of which he/she isn't doing a very good job as they are using the account to hack into others... DO NOT TRUST WHATEVER THIS ACCOUNT HAS TO SAY BECAUSE IT ISNT THE REAL OWNER OF THE ACCOUNT.
Ok you can carry on reading my post :D
I have had ENOUGH of users asking me if I want VIP and then trying to Hack my account. IVE HAD ENOUGH. The next lying, good-for-nothing, so-called-friend has been "friends" with me for a long time, a bit like the last person to try and hack my account, but I really don't care if they were my friend, I'm exposing them anyway. This time it was a user called Alex147123 a level 14 user who before becoming a lying flea had been a good friend and helped me when I was on double fame (which is more than most my friends did) 

Due to the convo below he has now blocked me and so I can only see the convo on the app, which doesn't go far back on messages so the bits before the pics basically went like: he asked if I wanted VIP, and if I added the user American girl doll lool the. She could get me VIP from a glitch, that would take a week to come into use, and how it worked with him (yet hes non VIP) he also said how another user her had called Prince811 and how it worked with that account too, but the year VIP that he had got had ran out however the account is not a jury or a judge so this was a LIE. I say how glitches don't work and if they did MSP would have fixed it with a the updates going round, and how he shouldn't expect anything from her... This is the rest of the convo before we block each other. 

And the previous "friend" to hack me is called Wizzie Star x
I really am giving up on MSP, why can't people just get a grip and stop trying to hack others for a few start coins and clothing???? So yes, because of Alex I have considered quitting MSP once and for all >:(

Sunday, 20 July 2014


For the past couple days, many people have been going on about a glitch to get Rares.
A Rare on MSP is just an item that can no longer be bought in the Shop, so your only way to obtain them is to get them from other users.
However some users have been going on about a glitch they can do to get these rares... Not the obvious ones like P-toes or the multiple rare tattoo's, ones like the pics below. These may have been rares and come back or they may have never been rares, but these items some people are calling rares are just hidden very far back in the shop.
I found this out by going back to the very last theme, and working my way back to 400 and something pages of clothes and accessories and on the way finding all these "Rares" along the way... Not so Rare after all. Yes they are nice items but unfortunately they aren't rares.
So, there you go. No Rares glitch.

Not Rares |

Thursday, 3 July 2014

FREE VIP! again...

Yes, Someone else has tried to offer me "free VIP" by buying it for me... Now this person has been my friend on MSP for quite a while and to be honest I think I have been a good friend to them... so I didn't think they would try and do something like this, but because they have been a good friend for a while, I wont be exposing their name, just our conversation... and what their user looks like, by doing this I hope they read this and see what they have tried to pull and don't try it again with anyone else.

They asked me if they could buy me VIP, this meant going into my account which I am never happy with even if they are my friend, I offered if they could put it on a spare account called Fractured (friends with Yme1's backup) this account is quite a low level, and not very useful to anyone who wants to get starcoins out of it or anything, consider this my bait. At this point the user said that she could no longer afford the VIP (ironic I know) so at this point I knew it was an attempted hack.

I don't know what I have don't to this user in order for them to want to steal my account, I feel betrayed and crushed inside to think that someone I thought was a friend turned out to be just like the other attempted hackers I have come across in my time. I hope they learn from this as a warning for if they do anything like this again, it will be their username I will expose too.

The point of this post is to tell you people, don't give your password out to ANYONE even if they are your friend... you never know who they really are and what they are really planning to do with your account.

You can read our final conversation below :)

~Star ♥

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

I Have Lost Faith In Humanity...

I have honestly lost faith in humanity... What happened yesterday (1st July) has blown any sort of normality on MSP into pieces of MUSH! There were so many rumors my brain is about to explode!!! Here are the rumors...

  • At 9:00 whoever logs on is going to get hacked.
  • Anonymous is back on MSP.
  • If 1901 comes up on your profile as the year you started, you are being hacked.

WHAT IS ALL THIS!?!?!? The amount of forums which were made on this matter are uncountable, there were so many (yes I made one too trying to put peoples mind to rest) I have tried explaining to people but they some still haven't got it stuffed in their brains enough :D

  • My friend Lovie637 and I were online from 9:00 to 10:00... nothing happened IT WAS JUST A RUMOR!! Someone did ask me if they could get me VIP, but I don't count that as a hack :D
  • Anonymous IS. NOT. BACK. And to be honest "Anonymous" was NEVER HERE. It is just a kids trying to scare others by POSING as a hacking extreme group thingy (I'm not 100% sure on what they do but I know for sure they DONT HACK KIDS GAMES)
  • 1901 was just a glitch that has been made by the updating MSP staff, it too came up on my profile... still haven't been hacked.
Also I was messaged by a user called 9 is the time so you can also see our conversation too :)

Down below are some pictures you can read about everything that happened yesterday :)

~Star ♥

Sunday, 22 June 2014


First, read the title of this Blog post, I am telling you that you are mean, so smell like broccoli and you have scammed me into thinking you were my friend when all you want is for me to stick you on this blog and tell everyone how amazing you are!! HOW MEEEAAAAANNN!!

GUYS I AM JOKING!!! ALL THAT WAS A LIE!!! My point is that I am saying how mean you are (when you aren't), but this is just making me look bad isn't it? I have read so many "hate forums" on MSP with one user calling another a bad person for whatever they have done, but this hate forum is just making them look bad instead of the person they are trying to look bad.

Normally in any argument people have, they work it out between themselves, but some users seem to want to share their argument with the rest of the world when it really isn't necessary.
We are only being told one side of the story,
we don't know what's a lie and what's the truth, 
we don't know the rest of the situation before making a judgement as to who is the bad guy in the situation.

So please, if you are having an argument with someone, don't make a big "song and dance" about the situation, and work it out with who is involved!

~Star x

Friday, 20 June 2014


So there have been multiple forums accusing high users such as Ishacool and Candired lying to others saying they are going to quit and then never leaving, for example:
Isha made an artbook saying she was going to make one last movie series before taking a break from MSP.
That hasn't happened, and she's making even more series' and many people see this as a big deal... If a user wants to leave, they can, if they change their minds, then they can stay, and some people are calling they liars because they stay...
Now this has happened multiple times when a high level user (or even just lower levelled users) says they will leave and don't, so there could be many reasons as to why they would say this, and lets face it, we don't know the reason unless they say so :P
People will leave when they feel like they want to, they may come back, or they might just be gone for a day, taking a break is seen differently by everyone.
I took a break a while back and I was gone for a month or so, when I came back some people said "YOU HAVE BEEN GONE FOR YEAAARS!" and another person said "BACK ALREADY!? YOU LEFT LIKE YESTERDAY!"

That is all :)
~Star x

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Seabee The Lock Ness Scammer

SO! I'm doing what I normally do on MSP, which isn't much, when a friends (Winx19) status pops up saying how she's been scammed by a user named Seabee, so I look her up to find there and many accounts of the name "SEABEE IS A SCAMMER" and I mean LOADS of accounts!!!

Now normally I would go "don't trust this user" bla bla bla, but this is HUGE! this user has clearly been scamming many many many users who have then made other accounts expressing their despise against her ways, which clearly she hasn't learnt from yet!

Now I would usually have pics on the conversation or what they have scammed, but this time its just going to be pics of all the pages of hate accounts which this user has been able to stir up.



So! As some of you know, The VIP skin is having some problems... I saw a forum saying how a Non VIP was able to buy VIP coloured skin, SO I tried it out!
Some of you may have seen my MovieStar has Lilac skin! Lilac VIP SKIN! Now this isn't a hack, its a glitch, theres a difference :D but I wanted to see if its true, so I tried it out and BOOM! I AM A PURPLE SMURF :P
I'm not sure now long this will be available for, as the MSP staff are probably aware of it.

That is all :D

~Starfirexxxx1 ♥


There have been quite a few forums talking about how boys use girls -to get a girlfriend, and then dumping them for no reason- however although I agree with this partially, some people don't seem to see how girls can use guys just as much, or even more.

Let me explain:
A while back I made a post on people saying in various chat rooms "I NEED A GF/BF" "SAY 123 FOR A GF/BF" etc etc etc...
Basically what I have noticed that girls say this a lot more than guys! As I have said before, having a bf/gf on MoveStarPlanet is one factor of the game, but there is so much more than that! I've seen people quit because they haven't found a partner (no jk) and it irritates me that some few people think that there's nothing else on MSP that can entertain them!

ANYWAY! back to the point, by using this way of getting a virtual partner can be seen as using them, girls are just as bad at asking others out and then dumping them for no reason
So Don't Take It Out On The Guys!

Sorry if this sounds harsh, if this works for you in finding a bf/gf then I have nothing against you, this is just my opinion, and I would love to hear yours too! So please comment or send me a message :)

~Starfirexxxx1 ♥

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Changed.. Sort of.

This is only going to be quick!
As some of you know my (and others) usernames comes up waffled if we try to type them on MSP, eg:

What I type:

What it comes up in on a message/ status/ in a chatroom:
SO! that makes it hard to get the word of my blog around, as I cant type on my status it just waffles

SO! I have changed it to so I can type it on my status and I can still get the word out!

Not quite sure how long it will take for google to update this, if it doesn't work, just stick Starfirexxxx1 into google and it will pop up :D

Thank you!
~Starfirexxxx1 (also known as #############)

Monday, 5 May 2014

The Pinkness Strikes Again!

SO! back into the mall chat room today, this time to find the Celebrity Mall has been invaded by the SAME pinkness as the day before! BY THE SAME USER TOO!


Bring Back Rares!

There have been quite a few forums on MovieStarPlanet asking for "Rares" to be brought back.
If your not quite sure on what a rare is, I will explain... Basically they are items or accessories which were once sold in the shop, and then have been taken off by the makers of MSP, so there is a limited amount, therefore the word "rare" came about. These items include some tattoos, shoes, skirts, tops, hair, dresses etc.

Anyways, some people want them re-introduced to the shop so everyone can buy them again, but there are different opinions on it, some of these are;

It would be good because...

  • People don't have any
  • A lot of older users have them, and so new users who join don't have a chance in getting them
  • Why can't they come back for a day? It can give some a chance to get some 
It wouldn't be good because...

  • They are Rares for a reason
  • If they were brought back they wouldn't be Rares anymore
  • It takes away the items speciality
If you have any opinion if you think they should come back please leave comment or message me! :D

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Invasion Of Pinkness o.o

So! I entered the Bollywood mall to find the chat room was completely covered by something pink! I was confused by this, so I asked people in the chat room whether it was just my computer, it wasn't! Wherever I clicked it would pop up with the user emma556575 so I guess they were the one pinkifying the chat room... after a couple of minutes of confusion and weirdness, the chat room went back to normal... until I realised there were so many users in the chat room! OVER 20! which generally meant extreme lag for everyone, then someone decided to do the diamond ride.. which was like lag from hell :P

Happy chatrooming!

~Star x

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Don't Trust This User!

So the user Saskiagarrity1945 was in a chatroom asking users whether they wanted 1000+ starcoins... naturally I became suspicious and curious as to what trick they would try to pull, so I acted interested! Read the conversation below ;) I reported the user and still haven't been hacked! WOO! Do NOT Trust This User!!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

A Gathering!

SO! One of Roxy-1's most recent plans is to let people take pictures with her in her Party room which she has turned into a photoshoot room! COOL! So on the selected date and time, many users gather in her room hoping to get a picture with her. However no one there has seen her, and was all wondering where she was... A look-a-like was on there and baffled a couple people before they realised it wasn't her. So I took some pictures anyways and got people to smile / say cheese to the camera (that's why people are saying cheese... I didn't get them to shout out random dairy products for the fun of it :D)

Sorry if the pics are fuzzy :)

~Star xx

Sunday, 6 April 2014

100th POST!

WOWZAS haven't written a blog post in ages!!! that's mainly due to the fact I haven't thought of what special subject to talk about for the 100th post of this blog, but now I do! (sorta)...

Anyways, I just decided to scroll through all of my past blog posts which was interesting! I've remembered old friends, and all the scammers, hackers and haters I have exposed which was certainly interesting to re-read through those posts and see how great at spelling I was :D

However with all those posts I can see how far this blog has come from its very first post on Sunday the 24th of March 2013! Since then I have had now 100 posts, and 3756 views! which compared to Ishacools blog with a ton more views, I am pretty proud that this blog got over 10. I had to advertise a lot to get people to read my blog posts (like putting it on my status, and running around chat-rooms) but now the blog is getting views all on its own! YAY!

One of the cool things of having this blog it that I can see which blog post gets the most views... and so far the more viewed post has been one on THE DOLLY which is weird, but cool because its clear I'm getting some word across :)

This blog may still be small, but so far I'm getting views from all around the world which is extremely heart-warming, and I feel like I have created some sort of entertainment for people, even if it is a couple thousand! :D

I hope this blog does even better in the posts to come, and that all you awesome people will be here to read, comment and enjoy :)

~ Star x

P.S Sorry this wasn't much of a 100th post topic, its more or a reflection, but I hope you still enjoyed reading :)

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

NEW Levels!

So! As I said in my previous post, levels have been updated! I went from a level 9 to a level 14, which is awesome! Also it is meant to be easier to get fame now so I'm sure everyone will be levelling up a lot more often :D I'm not sure what sorts of things you have to do in order to get extra fame, but I will start digging :) If you know any new ways of getting fame, please do comment below :D

In other news, the Shop has introduced some Nerd Glasses which are 1,000sc! Expensiiiiiiive!

NOW! The next post I write will be my 100th post! YAY! And so I need ideas on what I can write, as I'm coming onto MSP more often now, I am also re starting kinds of posts with users who need help levelling up, awesome users, and ideas for blog posts! So if you are interested in being mentioned in one of my blog posts then either comment on this blog post, or send me a message on MSP :)

~Star :)

Thursday, 9 January 2014


Many of you people may know that the mods have recently said new levels will be introduced to MSP... 100 MORE. NOW I speak for the majority of MSP users in that MOST of us haven't even got to level 25, so having the challenge in getting to 26 is like the world is ending. I'm having trouble getting to level 10, so getting to level 110 will take a LIFETIME!!
However they have also said that it will be easier to level up which I hope is improved a lot as life is getting bored of always being level 9 :P

In other news it is coming close to my 100th Blog Post! YAY! I want to do something different to my 50th which was a huge party and posting fuzzy pictures :D
If any of you awesome people have an idea as to what I could do for the 100th post, please do comment (anyone can even if they don't have a blogger account, they just come up as Anonymous (not the hacker... so don't start thinking that)) And I will pick the best idea and post it when the time is right :D

Until next time,
Also known as ############# if I type my username in MSP because for some reason it isn't liked by the waffler :P

Sunday, 5 January 2014


Oh my... Some people really still think that dressing up at Anonymous is goes to scare people, well the fuzzy picture below is proof that fakers are still out there...

Also another alleged hacker "white shadow" has come around which is also Fake 

Well there's my update on hackers :P