Wednesday 27 March 2013

Hate hate hate hate oh look! More hate

Why why why?!?!?! Why is there so much hate?! Hate towards, well EVERYONE?! Especially high level peeps?! I have attached pics of Ishacool's profile and the hate posted in the past... 5-10 minutes, it's really sad how people have the nerve to talk aload of rubbish about people who try hard on MSP. If u have spread any of the hate I have attached to this form the u had better be ashamed of yourself, I will be "publicly humiliating" haters on this blog, so then people know who some of the haters are. If you are wondering, yes I am angrily typing this >:(


  1. I'm not actually an anonymous person xD And I'm sorry that you are getting so much hate over all this:( It's not very nice of these people:(

    1. Aha yeah I know your not Anonymous :D I put in settings that anyone can comment, and it then comes up with Anonymous :D thank you for your comments!
