Tuesday 26 March 2013

MSP Friend Adder

MSP friend adder was made by the mods (mod005) and users were asked to add this user so the mods could see how life of MSP would be with a load of friends! Luckily I was quick and added the user and that was accepted :) but for others, they are constantly writing on the adders wall "add me" or "I asked you ages ago and you still haven't accepted it" well there is a perfectly normal explanation for no more adding... NO MORE SPACE. MSP adder even said on their status, "friends list full, sorry" because unlike the mods this account has a limit to friends like everyone else has! So its not because they can't be bothered replying, it's because they can't add anymore!! So people who are reading this who aren't friends with them, it's not because they don't like you, it's because their friends list is FULLLL ;)

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