Tuesday 23 July 2013


So basically before my VIP runs out I'm still going to write about news on MSP,so no more awesome people until I come back :)

Ok so the newest update to MSP is Hashtags. Say something bad a aload of these ----> #################### pop up.    NOW. It wont let me write my own username, or the word Hashtag... it doesn't matter about the tags, it matter about the username, because now I cant have my blog name on my status for people to see :(

Anyways. Now what you can say is limited to the bare MINIMUM! So far there has been quite a few forums about the new scheme and how people hate it, this has been so quick, they have all popped up before the forum by the Mods about the hashtags has reached 1000 comments, which I think is a record! And all these forums about them are Negative!

So far I don't know anyone who likes the new hashtag scheme.

What's your opinion on the new safety thingy? Anyone can comment on my blog posts, it will just come up as "Anonymous" NOT THE HACKER! Just someone who doesn't have a blogger account etc.

I would love to hear your opinions!

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