Monday 22 July 2013

SO... Im Still Here...

So, as I said a while ago, I said I would take a break from MSP, I haven't been on much, but then I thought "I cant let my VIP go to waste" so I have decided to take the break when it expires...

NOW there's a problem... Basically I bought 1 month VIP on the 1st June 2013. Then on the 20th of June I bought the pack again, to top up on diamonds and sc's  (lower price due to being VIP already)... NOW the 1st of July went by... STILL VIP. The 20th of July has gone... AND IM STILL VIP!!!! I haven't bought VIP since I topped up on stuff via the MovieStarPlanet App on the 20th of July. It was a one time payment. Yet I'm still VIP!
Many of you think it would be great to get extra days of VIP, but I find it a pain because I want to take a break, yet my VIP is still there. (I like making the most of stuff).

Has anyone got any experience with this?
I'm thinking of messaging MSP to say what's going on... but I don't know if I should enjoy this extra VIP or not? I think its unfair to have extra VIP when I haven't paid for it. So I'm confused.

I will make a blog post when the VIP expires (if it ever does) and then I will take a break.

-Starfirexxxx1                  ♥

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