Monday 8 April 2013

Can boonies eat each other???

The Answer... YES THEY CAN, with the help of a glitch... I was in a CHATROOM on the MSP app on my iPod, in the pet park saying some deep and meaningful words, whilst petting other users pets, for sc, and as a scroll back to where my player was standing, I find that my Blue Dragon with orange hair has been replaced (or eaten) by a boonie you can get via the MSP magazine!!!! This is I'm guessing another glitch as I only have 1 pet and have not done this for entertainment reasons, this is real!!! Luckily when I left the chatroom and entered another, the mysterious pet and gone and BAM my dragon Mikita had returned! There are so many glitches on MSP at the moment, it's starting to confuse me!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Omg! Lol! R.I.P...posted by peaches & white on msp Lool I just had to say that!
