Sunday 14 April 2013

Its Not Just The High Levels Getting Hate

Yes, I have also received hate. :'(  I use my blog for news and everyday life on MSP, yet even I am being accused of bullying and spreading rumours, I will tell you now that all the posts I put on this blog, are not results of rumours or gossip spreading. Yes I expose scammers, and alleged Hackers, but that is resulted of my own experiences with the users. I write my own opinions on stuff, and write the other side of those opinions because I don't want my blog to only show one side of a story, otherwise that would be very bias. If you check my quest book on MSP you will find 2 users who are apparently sisters, both accusing me of bullying them, one of them is friends with my Back-up account and has recently deleted the account. Extra xxx was the user "sticking up" for her sister $nowey. I was disgusted about the way they confronted me with the thought that I had bullied $nowey. Since then, Extra xxx deleted her account and $nowey apologised saying that she gave her password to Extra xxx in the hope that she would get free vip, not looking at the forms about "you cant get free vip" and was utterly surprised that her account was used to accuse me of bullying. Since then I haven't heard any other accusations of bullying towards me.

I'm Not Afraid To Expose Those Who Bring Hate To Other Users.
Haters, You Have Been Warned.

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