Monday 10 June 2013

My Close Friends (On MSP)

Firstly Thank you to savvieloulou for the idea of this post :D
SO she gave me the idea of writing about the BFF's on MSP, whether they are on my profile, or not, and write about their personalities and stuff :)
Firstly the people who are on my profile who are Sophie9152001 who is a stylish, non white chocolate fan, and funny level 12 user so far out of the users on my profile she has been there the longest ;) ♥
Then there is Pountthealarm33 who is (like Sophie) a stylish, funny Level 10 user, who is always there to help me, even when I don't ask for it ♥
Then there's Dylan Westland 09 who I have written about twice before, so you can check out the other posts about him :D ♥
AND NOW for the users who I consider my bff's even though they aren't on my profile, they are:
savvieloulou, who gives me LOADS of ideas for posts and she is a funny, and chatty level 6 user, she is always there to talk to ♥
Then we have Fireblader, the backup of a user I have also written about (Alishak Help Her Get To Level 23!) yes the awesome user with a long name :D Fireblader is a movie-making, fiery, chatty level 7 user, who also gives me MANY post ideas ♥
NOW I'm sure I will think of MANY other users who I consider BFF's on Moviestarplanet, and ALL the users above, I only know over the website, non of these users I know in real ♥

WOW many MANY words!
My ♥ to all of these users, and those who have helped me over the time I have been on MSP, and who support me through making this blog something special ♥♥♥♥♥

Star xx

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