Friday 20 June 2014


So there have been multiple forums accusing high users such as Ishacool and Candired lying to others saying they are going to quit and then never leaving, for example:
Isha made an artbook saying she was going to make one last movie series before taking a break from MSP.
That hasn't happened, and she's making even more series' and many people see this as a big deal... If a user wants to leave, they can, if they change their minds, then they can stay, and some people are calling they liars because they stay...
Now this has happened multiple times when a high level user (or even just lower levelled users) says they will leave and don't, so there could be many reasons as to why they would say this, and lets face it, we don't know the reason unless they say so :P
People will leave when they feel like they want to, they may come back, or they might just be gone for a day, taking a break is seen differently by everyone.
I took a break a while back and I was gone for a month or so, when I came back some people said "YOU HAVE BEEN GONE FOR YEAAARS!" and another person said "BACK ALREADY!? YOU LEFT LIKE YESTERDAY!"

That is all :)
~Star x

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