Thursday 3 July 2014

FREE VIP! again...

Yes, Someone else has tried to offer me "free VIP" by buying it for me... Now this person has been my friend on MSP for quite a while and to be honest I think I have been a good friend to them... so I didn't think they would try and do something like this, but because they have been a good friend for a while, I wont be exposing their name, just our conversation... and what their user looks like, by doing this I hope they read this and see what they have tried to pull and don't try it again with anyone else.

They asked me if they could buy me VIP, this meant going into my account which I am never happy with even if they are my friend, I offered if they could put it on a spare account called Fractured (friends with Yme1's backup) this account is quite a low level, and not very useful to anyone who wants to get starcoins out of it or anything, consider this my bait. At this point the user said that she could no longer afford the VIP (ironic I know) so at this point I knew it was an attempted hack.

I don't know what I have don't to this user in order for them to want to steal my account, I feel betrayed and crushed inside to think that someone I thought was a friend turned out to be just like the other attempted hackers I have come across in my time. I hope they learn from this as a warning for if they do anything like this again, it will be their username I will expose too.

The point of this post is to tell you people, don't give your password out to ANYONE even if they are your friend... you never know who they really are and what they are really planning to do with your account.

You can read our final conversation below :)

~Star ♥

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