Wednesday 2 July 2014

I Have Lost Faith In Humanity...

I have honestly lost faith in humanity... What happened yesterday (1st July) has blown any sort of normality on MSP into pieces of MUSH! There were so many rumors my brain is about to explode!!! Here are the rumors...

  • At 9:00 whoever logs on is going to get hacked.
  • Anonymous is back on MSP.
  • If 1901 comes up on your profile as the year you started, you are being hacked.

WHAT IS ALL THIS!?!?!? The amount of forums which were made on this matter are uncountable, there were so many (yes I made one too trying to put peoples mind to rest) I have tried explaining to people but they some still haven't got it stuffed in their brains enough :D

  • My friend Lovie637 and I were online from 9:00 to 10:00... nothing happened IT WAS JUST A RUMOR!! Someone did ask me if they could get me VIP, but I don't count that as a hack :D
  • Anonymous IS. NOT. BACK. And to be honest "Anonymous" was NEVER HERE. It is just a kids trying to scare others by POSING as a hacking extreme group thingy (I'm not 100% sure on what they do but I know for sure they DONT HACK KIDS GAMES)
  • 1901 was just a glitch that has been made by the updating MSP staff, it too came up on my profile... still haven't been hacked.
Also I was messaged by a user called 9 is the time so you can also see our conversation too :)

Down below are some pictures you can read about everything that happened yesterday :)

~Star ♥

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