Tuesday 19 August 2014


My VIP has expired and less than 12 hours after it expires I have the first user asking me if I want VIP... I DONT WANT YOUR VIP!!!! If I really wanted to be VIP I would buy it myself as I'm not letting a total stranger and possible hacker onto my account o.O which is more than can be said to every single user who has asked me if they could get me VIP, 99.9% of the time people have just wanted to hack my account and I've just had enough of it!

This is an on going problem with MSP as people believe they are getting VIP when all they are given is an empty account, or worse, not even getting their account back.

I don't want your VIP! End of story!

The user to ask me if I wanted VIP blocked me after I said I wasn't giving my password to them... See the conversation below :)

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