Wednesday 21 May 2014


There have been quite a few forums talking about how boys use girls -to get a girlfriend, and then dumping them for no reason- however although I agree with this partially, some people don't seem to see how girls can use guys just as much, or even more.

Let me explain:
A while back I made a post on people saying in various chat rooms "I NEED A GF/BF" "SAY 123 FOR A GF/BF" etc etc etc...
Basically what I have noticed that girls say this a lot more than guys! As I have said before, having a bf/gf on MoveStarPlanet is one factor of the game, but there is so much more than that! I've seen people quit because they haven't found a partner (no jk) and it irritates me that some few people think that there's nothing else on MSP that can entertain them!

ANYWAY! back to the point, by using this way of getting a virtual partner can be seen as using them, girls are just as bad at asking others out and then dumping them for no reason
So Don't Take It Out On The Guys!

Sorry if this sounds harsh, if this works for you in finding a bf/gf then I have nothing against you, this is just my opinion, and I would love to hear yours too! So please comment or send me a message :)

~Starfirexxxx1 ♥

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