Monday 5 May 2014

Bring Back Rares!

There have been quite a few forums on MovieStarPlanet asking for "Rares" to be brought back.
If your not quite sure on what a rare is, I will explain... Basically they are items or accessories which were once sold in the shop, and then have been taken off by the makers of MSP, so there is a limited amount, therefore the word "rare" came about. These items include some tattoos, shoes, skirts, tops, hair, dresses etc.

Anyways, some people want them re-introduced to the shop so everyone can buy them again, but there are different opinions on it, some of these are;

It would be good because...

  • People don't have any
  • A lot of older users have them, and so new users who join don't have a chance in getting them
  • Why can't they come back for a day? It can give some a chance to get some 
It wouldn't be good because...

  • They are Rares for a reason
  • If they were brought back they wouldn't be Rares anymore
  • It takes away the items speciality
If you have any opinion if you think they should come back please leave comment or message me! :D

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